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In this study, the nondestructive differentiation of individual white polyester clothing fibers was accomplished via synchrotron radiation microbeam X-ray fluorescence (SR-μ-XRF) analysis. SR-μ-XRF with vertical focusing is a useful nondestructive method for the analysis of a single polyester clothing fiber. Kirkpatrick–Baez (KB) mirror was used to vertically focus 20 keV X-rays for the analysis of 22 individual white polyester fibers taken from clothing commonly sold in Japan. SR-μ-XRF with a vertical focused 2 μm (V) × 300 μm (H) beam was approximately 12.8 times more sensitive than SR-XRF with an unfocused 300 μm (V) × 300 μm (H) beam for the detection of elements in single fibers. The minimum detection limits (MDLs) of the SR-μ-XRF method were 8.15 ppm for Cl and 0.06 ppm for Br. In addition to Ti in TiO2 delustering agents, Zr and Nb impurities in the delustering agents were detected in individual fibers. Sb from a polymerization catalyst and Co from a transesterification catalyst were also detected in individual fibers. Comparing the Ti Kβ/Sb Lα,β and Zr Kα/Nb Kα X-ray intensity ratios was a useful way to distinguish individual clothing fibers, and 98% of the fibers were differentiated when additional trace elements were used as discrimination indicators.  相似文献   
新生代农民工作为一个新兴的群体,是实现构建和谐社会伟大战略的重要推动者。随着社会的不断发展,新生代农民工对精神文化的需求将呈现一个不断上升的趋势,但是,在多元文化、经济收入、社会制度、自身条件等因素的影响下,新生代农民工在思想文化、娱乐文化、科技服务、社会交往等方面的精神文化需求却难以得到满足。解决这些问题需要政府、社会、企业以及新生代农民工主体等多方面共同努力。  相似文献   
价格问题是当今社会热点问题,由于哄抬价格行为具有严重社会危害性,中国现行法律制裁措施对它遏制效果不显,且它又具备着当罚性,故该文认为哄抬价格行为存在入罪依据,完全应当予以入罪化处理。为此,该文比照现行刑法非法经营罪的法条设置就哄抬价格行为入罪化的具体模式展开设计,根据拟设的法条剖析了哄抬价格罪的犯罪构成要件,并对其具体司法认定展开了探讨。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the injury mechanism of the human knee in a traffic accident by estab lishing a 3D finite element (FE) model. Methods The FE model, composed of femur, tibia, fibula, patel la, meniscus, knee ligaments and surrounding soft tissues, was reconstructed by CT scanning data from a male volunteer. Validation was performed by the lateral impact simulation, and the stress and strain re sults were obtained to be compared with those previously reported for injury prediction. Results The re suits derived from the FE model were found to be similar with those previously reported, most of the ligaments and meniscus wounded at 40 m/s collision, which was readily observed. Conclusion The simu lation results generated by FE model can be effectively used for the injury mechanism analysis of initial contact.  相似文献   
太原都市圈发展思路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
做大做强太原都市圈是引领、辐射山西经济社会发展的头等大事。当前,影响太原都市圈发展的因素包括产业结构不合理、经济发展动力不足、城市承载力不够、资源要素流动不合理等方面。因此,发展太原都市圈必须突出龙头带动作用,优化圈内产业布局;先行先试,突破瓶颈,增强经济发展后劲;以行政区划调整为突破口,提升城市承载力;提升区域一体化程度,促进要素自由流动与资源共享。  相似文献   
目的 探究无机元素在金寨地区仿野生茯苓不同用药部位中的分布及在土壤中的富集特点。方法 采用微波消解法处理茯苓皮、白茯苓、赤茯苓及其菌核生长附近土壤,应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定茯苓不同部位及其土壤中K、Na、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Se等11种无机元素含量。结果 金寨地区仿野生茯苓各部位元素分布有一定差异,大多数元素在茯苓皮中含量较高,茯苓不同部位总的无机元素含量从高至低顺序为茯苓皮、赤茯苓、白茯苓;茯苓不同部位对无机元素的吸收有选择性,但均以K、Fe、Mg、Na含量较高;茯苓不同部位对11种元素的富集系数存在差异,变化范围为0.005 2~0.782 3。结论 所建立的电感耦合等离子体质谱法简便、准确,适用于金寨地区仿野生茯苓不同部位及土壤中11种无机元素的含量测定。  相似文献   
Concerns over the toxic by‐products produced by traditional ammunition have led to an increase in popularity of nontoxic ammunition. In this work, the chemical composition of six brands of nontoxic ammunition was investigated and compared to that of a road flare, which served as an environmental source with similar composition. Five rounds of each brand were fired while a further five were disassembled and the primer alone was fired. Particles collected from all samples, including the road flare, were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X‐ray analysis. Common elements among the different ammunition brands included aluminum, potassium, silicon, calcium, and strontium. Spectra were then subjected to principal components analysis in which association of the primer to the intact ammunition sample was generally possible, with distinction among brands and from the road flare sample. Further, PCA loadings plots indicated the elements responsible for the association and discrimination observed.  相似文献   
目的 测定3个道地产区黄芪中钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、锌(Zn)、铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)的含量,以探讨道地药材与微量元素的相关性。方法 采用硝酸-过氧化氢(体积比5〖DK〗∶2)体系微波消解黄芪样品,火焰原子吸收光谱法测定黄芪中Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn的含量。结果 内蒙古黄芪除Cu元素含量稍低于山西黄芪之外,Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe、Mn元素含量都高于甘肃黄芪和山西黄芪;山西黄芪除Zn元素含量不低于甘肃黄芪之外,Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Mn元素含量都低于甘肃黄芪。结论 在内蒙古、甘肃、山西3个道地产区黄芪中,人体必需微量元素含量以内蒙古黄芪最优,甘肃黄芪次之,山西黄芪再次之。  相似文献   
精神鉴定的评价范围涉及鉴定人与司法官的职权划分问题。在我国,精神鉴定的评价范围不仅包括医学要件与心理学要件,也包括刑事责任能力的内容,精神鉴定人通常都直接对刑事责任能力作出评定,此做法既与理论上的观点不一致,也与刑事诉讼法的规定不相吻合。较为合理的做法是由精神鉴定人对刑事责任能力的医学要件进行评定,心理学要件的判断则采用以司法人员为主、鉴定人为辅的合作方式。  相似文献   
在我国刑法中,关于犯罪数额的立法形式比较多,种类多样。我国刑法条文中有关数额的实体法规定,在入罪、此罪与彼罪、量刑等多个方面发挥作用。不能把刑法中所有的定量因素都理解为数额犯,数额犯是指法定的决定某一行为是否构成犯罪在量上的表现。要论证数额在犯罪构成中的地位,需要解决以下几个理论问题:(1)数额为什么能决定一个行为是否构成犯罪?(2)行为人主观上对数额没有认识的情形下,如何成立数额犯的故意犯罪?(3)数额犯是否存在未遂形态?上述三个问题的理论推理结论是:数额是犯罪成立要件要素。  相似文献   
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